Monday, February 08, 2010

Bohee's presentation1.

Author : Jordansa
Title of article : 'Fake' Swine Flue Pandemic? WHO Slams Charges.
Publication : MSNBC.COM
Date of article : Jan. 25. 2010

Short summary
- In article argues about 'fake' swine flue pandemic. Some critics have argued that swine flue was spread by drug companies for their benefit, so it was a big issue because at least 14,142 people died. On the other hand, WHO officials say that the idea of fake swine flue is wrong. They said as 'irresponsible' some critics who said swine flu is fake.

Issues that you can find
- The biggest issue is that many people died and many people spent a hard time in the world because of swine flu. At this moment, many people got angry and scared when they got fake swine flu information, so WHO tried to explain that was not fake.

Your opinion.
- In my opinion, it would be caused by drug companies for their own benefit. The companies are making drugs to cure us and get better nutrition, but they could make some disease for their benefit. The companies' first purpose is not to cure people. It seems like they are making drug for human's health. But, their first purpose is to earn money. If they give us drugs to recover completely, how can they earn money? They do not make absolutely perfect drugs because they want to us get drugs again and again. So they could make swine flu.


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