Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weblog# 5 Lara

Name: Lara
Class: EAP1-A
Title of article: Apple in China
Author: Adam Ozimek
Date of article: 2/3/2012

Apple company has many factories in China to produce Apple products. These factories are in bad condition which causes workers to have a very hard time in their jobs. They do not get their basic human rights and cannot complain. These companies do not care about their workers in overseas. The public should launch a campaign to pressure Apple to improve the conditions for their workers in China.

1-  How can these workers get their rights?
2- Do you think if these workers work in the United States they will get the same treatment?

In my opinion, what is happening  in China is not fair. The workers should take enough time to rest. We should stop buying from these companies. This will cause a lot of loss for these companies. I cannot imagine how employees work in the difficult conditions when they are doing their job. These companies do not care about their workers overseas as much as those who work in the head office in the U.S. I think these companies look at their workers as robots, not as humans.



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