Monday, June 12, 2006

Acceptance of Gay

James Recci and Patricia Ward Biederman in “Acceptance of Gays on Rise, Poll Show” are discussing the fact that the community is becoming more opened to the idea of homosexuality. Over the past decades, people declined gays in the society. However, the number of people who accept gays is increasing. According to the article, acceptance of gays is similar to the black civil right movement in many ways. The influences of media and famous politicians had helped the society to admit the issue of gays. All what homosexuals demand is to be treated as normal people by the society.

People choose the path that will make them satisfied about them selves. If those people chose to be gays, they are free and this is their business. However, they will have to be careful of the consequences and they should be willing to face all the barriers in this way. Not all the people will look at them as normal couple. But eventually the community will have to accept homosexuality.


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