Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Changing climate in the World

The author said that changing climate is the serious problem in the world in "Attenborough: Climate is changing" on BBC News. Sir David Attenborough said following things to BBC. We need to solve this problem, such as global warming, increasing CO2 for our future life. If we don’t do anything for this environmental problem, it will become really worse in the future. There are many cause of changing climate, so we should do measure to improve the environment of the Earth.

I'm agree with this author. Today, the environmental problems are noticed in the world. Actually, I had an unusual experience in this winter, so I'm interested in this article and topic. In this winter I went back home, Japan. My hometown has a lot of snow every winter, but this winter was different from usual. We had too much snow unusually. And there were a lot of accidents, some people died, some houses were broken, and also traffic jams were a serious problem because of snow. I heard this problem affected commerce excessively. Then, I realized that the environment of the Earth is changing truly, so I thought we have to do something for the environment and solve these problems. Therefore, I'm strongly agree with this author.



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