Sunday, September 24, 2006

khalid doubi

Canadian gunman “killed himself”.

Canadian gunman “killed himself”.Summary:
According to the article in, “Canadian gunman “killed himself””, in BBC NEWS. Said that there was a Canadian killed and injured college students. After this Canadian attack he killed by officer police. The Canadian attack the students in the college and he was holding many guns on his jacket and shutting at the students. Canada is planning to put new rules for holding guns and how to control this problem and have the risk to not let this thing happened again.

What happened in Canada was the government fault, their must be a strict rules for holding guns and getting the permeation from the government, if they put good rules and who is the reasonable to hold a gun this problem will control. In every culture we can find many people how have strange thinking, bad ideas and many ways to get rid of something on their mind but the most dangers people who have brain wash. However, shooting people is bad, if a lot of people do this their will be a no system in these states.


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