Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mother strangles 14-year-old daughter following bulling at school.

In the article, "Mother strangles 14-year-old daughter following 'bullying' at school," the author says a mother killed her daughter, so polices took her in custody. Her daughter fell down and was killed in her room. According to police, the mother thought her daughter had been worried about schooling trouble, so the mother wanted to relieve her daughter from the trouble. In addition, the mother cut her wrist a few time by a kitchen knife. Therefore, the police are looking into the matter because the mother may commit suicide after she killed her daughter.

I was very surprised when I read the article because mother killed her own daughter. I cannot understand why the mother did not think other solutions. According to the article, the mother has a depression, so I think her husband or her parents should have taken care more about the mother. I felt really sorry about what had happened to the girl. I want the mother to repent it for her daughter.



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