Thursday, August 30, 2007

Miss. ranked fattest state in nation

I found this article on Yahoo! News. The title of this article is: “Miss. ranked fattest state in nation.” This article talks about the obesity rate in the U.S.A.. The Deep South states are the fattest states, such as Mississippi and West Virginia. Some poor families only can buy some cheaper, processed foods that have higher fat. So they become fat and are not healthy. And some state governments try to solve this problem, which is that people are getting fat. They force people to do exercise and give them knowledge about health. School, try to stop selling the junk food such as soft drink with full calories. They want people to get good behavior with food and health. If they don’t force or teach people, people are going to be fat and dead in the future.

I think health for a person is the first important thing during his/her life. Being without healthy body means being without a good life, even if you are very rich. Most Americans like to eat fast food or junk food. That’s a bad thing; these kinds of food are without nutrition and include a lot of fat or calories. That’s not good for humans. We need balanced nutrition and to get good knowledge about food. Some states in the U.S. already started this kind of law to force children to learn and do exercise. That can make people learn a good habit when they are children. This is really a good policy. I do exercise every day, because I deeply believe health can bring more wealth.

EAP2-B NewsTalk
by Henry



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