Monday, October 08, 2007

Victim's dad can seek rights to O.J. Simpson's book

This article argues about the famous person, O.J Simpson’s problem. According to passage, this guy tried to publish his book, “If I Did It” by his daughter’s name. Because of this book, he can get a lot of money and emphasize that he didn’t kill his wife and her boyfriend. However, his idea failed. The boyfriend’s father accused him, and he requires O.J to pay $33.5 million. Now, they are fighting at the court, but this situation is bad for O.J, regardless the result, he needs to pay the fee for his lowers.

In my opinion, this person is special by the view comparing other people who are suspected as criminals. Usually, such people go under society and never come back to surface. But O.J Simpson did publish his book, have some news in public. I want to know this reason is his personality or his glory in the past. And as much as himself, his daughter’s mind is hard to understand. Why she help his father who suspected as killer of her mother? Does she still believe his innocent? I think, there are many mysteries of them, so O.J Simpson will be remembered by many people in the future.

Ayuko Watanabe


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