Sunday, January 27, 2008

Scary movie making viewers sick

The title of my article is title

One blogger said on his blog "I had to get up and leave the theater for nearly 20 minutes just to keep from hurling." Lots of people like watching scary movie in theather. Most part of people won't affect by the film but some are not. For those few people they might feel thing are moving all the time but in fact, they are not. Dr. Michael G. Stewart say vertigo is a classic symptom of scary movie. If you really want to "enjoy" the scary movie but you don't want to feel sick. Here is some tip for you. First, close your eyes briefly during the movie. Second, rent the movie. Because you won't feel sick if you watching the movie in your house.

In my opinion, people like to torture themself by watching scary movie. I am that kind of person I mentioned aobut. I like scary movie and I also feel threaten by those film. I don't feel vertigo after I watching scary movie but some time I feel unfomfortable and disgusting after I watch the film. I don't know why in the begining. But after reading this article I think those symptom are cause by my head. Balance system goes confused.

Penny Chen


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