Friday, January 18, 2008

Computer security stress

I read Stress afflicts security bosses in the BBC online news. It is about a survey of business computer experts in Europe, and what they believe about computer security at their companies. The researchers believe that those computers are not protected enough. The author says that more viruses are criminal now; the people who are ruining your computer are doing it for criminal reasons. 91% of computer security bosses thought their computers were safe, but the researchers found many ways that they weren't safe. For example, they found 415 employees who clicked on phishing e-mails. The security bosses admitted that protecting computers was more stressful than a divorce, or moving to another house. Laptops are a special problem, because when they give a laptop to an employee, they think that employee is responsible, but he or she might not be.

This article was interesting to me, because my work computer crashed twice in 2007, and I still don't know why. People here at CESL put new virus protection programs on it regularly, but things still happen. I would like to find out what happened and make sure it doesn't keep happening. The last time, in December, my computer wouldn't start up, and I lost everything. I think security is a huge problem, and I'm glad I'm not dealing with more important information, like national security, or bank accounts. One problem is that most of us really don't know much about how the computer works. Another problem is that there is usually a way to make us click on something bad. For example, I got a greeting card the other day, and it looked very real, so I clicked. Oh terrible! Maybe it will crash again!

-Tom Leverett


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