Sunday, August 01, 2010

Test-Tubes Babies may face greater health risks than naturally conceived children.

Author name: Moisse, K
Publication: Scientific American
Date of article: (2010,February 23)
Summary of the article:
In this article, Katie Moisse says that in vitro fertilization babies can be more susceptible to some health problems. After expansion in reproductive techniques, researchers founds some chromosomal changes that caused abnormal DNA methylation among in vitro fertilizated babies which led to some chronic diseases or rare congenital syndromes. In fact, DNA methylation defects could be found in other diseas in people who naturally conceived. Although, to prove the relationship between in vitro fertilization and DNA methylation defects and diseases, researchers had applied in vitro fertilization to animals that were found to give abnormal results.

Issues that you can find:
-Do you think IVF technique helpful to people?
-Do you think that some people prefer to have babies through IVF?
_ In your opinion,could you believe that ther are some side effects from using this technique?
- Why do you think that test tube babies may face greater health risks than naturally conceved children?
-Do you think the older women are more suceptible to these cases?

My opinion:
In my opinion, this article could be stronger if the author discussed group ages and at the end giving us his group ages and which age would be more suitable and effective to undergo this procedure, becouse older women, whose eggs are already weaker, often turn to IVF. In addition, the researchers did not test infertile people to determin whether the DNA methylation tied to these artificial reproductive procedures or would likely be link to these people genetically! Indeed, the aim of this article is to expand parents' knowledge and to inform them about these kinds of cases rather than making them upset, exactly as what the auther said.

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