Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yuki #1

Author : Shaila Dewan
Title : Anti-Abortion Ads split Atlanta
Publication : NY Times
Date of the article : February 5, 2010

In this article, Anti-Abortion groups erected the billboards which insist on warning of abortion among black women. They claim that the rate of black women's abortion is highest than before and it affects fertility rate a lot. And also, it mentions many abortion clinics are in places where blacks reside, and these clinics target many black women, so these influence the rate of black women's abrtion. However, the birth rate and the fertility rate among black women is higher than in other countries. Also, the abortion clinics insist that they open their clinics because many black women want to have a talk with them.

1. Why are they tring to influence black women?
2. Why are rates increasing? Are they really increasing?
3. What should be done about this? Should abourtion be legal?

I think that the increasing of abortion rates among the black women is a big chance and is meanigful because the community whose birth rate is high is the black women' world even though the birth rate has declined all over the world. Therefore, it can affect the world change. The reason of black women's higher abortion rate and higher mortality rate are less education and poverty. Therefore, the abortion clinic among the black women has the meanings of affirmative and negative at the same time, and they can have an important role in the community. In the society whose infant mortality rate is higher, without the consideration and understanding about their culutures and lives based on the developed countries's standpoints, it can be leadto fatal blows. So the abortion clinics should try to educate about the childcare, pregnancy and birth control to black women in order to give influence positively.



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