Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sugar tax needed, say US experts

Author: Helen Briggs
Title of article: Sugar tax needed, say US experts
Publication: BBC News
Date of article: 02/01/12
Short summary:
US health experts want to regulate consumption of sugar because it is damaging and addictive like alcohol or tobacco. The experts say that new imposition taxes are needed to reduce consumption of sugar and sweeteners. But there is fear that applying taxes on sugar makes the people reduce purchasing of fruit and vegetable for saving the money for other purchases.
Issues that can you find
1-What is your opinion about applying taxes on sugar and sweets?
2-What is the purpose of making taxes on sugar?
3-Do think that the people will reduce buying fruit and vegetables for saving the money for purchasing sugar?
your opinion
I think that applying a tax on sugar leads the people reduce purchasing the sugar and using a lot of it in their diet. That is because eating a lot of sweeteners causes a raise in the sugar ratio in blood. Therefore, it may cause obesity, or diabetes. My opinion is that the purpose of the tax is to make people's diet more healthy.



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