Thursday, May 25, 2006

Controversy over the Da Vinci Code

The title of this artice is 'Da Vinci Code' claims to be examined. This artice said the Waynesboro Area Ministerial Association would hold the meeting to focus on the controversy over the movie "the Da Vinci Code" , triggerd by the religious fever. The association would address the movie's global impact, because it worried that residents of Third World countries, where Christianity is a minority religion, would believe what they see on a movie screen.

I'm interested in the article because the controversy over the movie is becoming the hottest subject in the States. In Japan, my native country, the movie is one of the hottest subjects, but most people dosen't take the argument seriously, because they are not Christian. They are just looking forward to watching the movie as amusement. It is possible that some of Japanese temporarily believe what the movie descirbed, as the association worried, but they will forget it soon. In my opinion, not only Japanese but also non Cristian all over the world understand the Da Vinci Code is fiction, and they won't take what they see seriously. Thus, I think that the association doesn't need to be sensitive to the global effect of the movie so much.



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