Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Marijuana Vending Machines in US

I read "Marijuana Vending Machines in US" on BBC news website on Monday, 28 January 2008. The article is about vending machines that will sell Marijuana in California states for sick people. These vending machines will only sell to people with prescription by identifying their fingerprint and faces. Also, a security guard will guard them. The marijuana is used to relief the pain when the patient need it. However, there are only eleven states in the US that allow the legal use of marijuana (as a medicine). Finally, we might see a trend in the future where people buy their medical needs from vending machines spreading all over the city.

I was interested in this article because in Advanced English 2 core class our topic was about crimes. One of the crimes that we studied was drugs, and there was studies in the text book that some people think that all kinds of drugs should be legal!! . The advocates for making it legal say that it is my body and I should be able to do what ever I want to do with it. So, I was wondering how these vending machines would affect or have impact on making drugs legal. Also, will people use it in a bad way. For example, a person with an access to the machine buys and sells to other people that don’t have access. Finally, I think that we will see medicines vending machines that sell all kinds of medicines in the future using electronic prescriptions.



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