Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mobiles linked to disturbed sleep

I read "Mobiles linked to disturbed sleep" in the BBC online news. This article is about the effects of the mobile phone on our quiete sleep, and how it will be different when someone sleep without making a call and with making a call before sleeping. The researchers said that those people in the study who use their phones before getting to their beds, can't sleep early and don't sleep for enough time. The scientists believed that there is an influence of the radiation from the mobile phone and the stress system. The article recommended that the best way to make a call before going to bed is using the land line. Compared to other similar studies, the result is not the same, because in other studies, researchers believed that there is no short term effects of using the mobile phone but they couldn't approve that over the long term.

This article attracted me because I am one of the people who can't sleep early and have difficulty in my bed. I hope that i can sleep whenever I want, like some of my friends. I tried many things to make me sleep early, such as, not drinking coffee in the night, reading books to make my eyes feel tired, drinking a cup of milk before going to bed, turning off the light and trying to not think about anything, but they don't work. This problem is making me angry sometimes, especially when I have some important event in the next day. When I read this article I became happy to follow their recommendation and not use my mobile before going to bed and I closed my mobile but it doesn't work as well. The last weekend you will not believe me if I said that I stayed awake from 9 am on friday until 9 am on saturday and I waked up at 2 pm then I slept at 12 noon on sunday. I hope that someone give me an advise on my problem.



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