Monday, January 28, 2008

USG Split on Fee Increase

The title of my article is USG Split on Fee Increase. The Undergraduate Student Government are discussing about fees increase. Tuition will not change, but athletic fees might rise $54 and housing fees rise more than $500 per year. Those fees will for staff and maintenance. Some asserted that the increase is needed, and some argued that students should not pay for the fees.

Fees should not be changed for several reasons. First, students go to college not exercise but to study. SIU students don’t have enough equipment; students use old computers, and projectors are easy to break. Meanwhile, Recreation Center has much better equipment than classrooms. Students do not need to pay additional fees. Next, students are not rich. $500 is big expenses. Housing fees are still expensive, and students have to buy other things like their insurance and textbooks. Last, organizations could help the fees. SIU is a big college and might have many organizations which the graduates from SIU organize. Some of students like to suport SIU, so some organizations can help paying increased fees. Therefore, fees shold not be increased.


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