Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Milk in tea 'blocks health gains'

This is the article I read

I read an article whose name is "Milk in tea blocks health gains". This article is about if we add milk in the tea that will affect its ability to protect heart disease. This article said the black tea is good to prevent heart disease and blood pressure problems. However, the report found the proteins in milk that are called caseins could affect the advantage. Although the research shows adding milk in tea is not good for preventing disease, still there are have a lot of experts against this point. They said it is very small research, it cannot affect people a lot or it maybe just will occur with a small number of people. Other experts said drinking milk in tea will be good to boost calcium intake, and tea has benefits so it doesn't matter wherever you use milk or not, just keep drinking. In the end, even though this research does not succeeded in affecting people, it is very positive research to show tea is a healthy drink for people.

This article is interesting and related to me because I like drinking milk tea. When I was in Taiwan I drank it a lot. When I found this article I was really surprised. I thought milk was a really good and healthy drink for people and if I mixed milk in tea that would become very delicious, but if we put that in tea that will become harmful for our body. First, I was really worried about it, but later I found some expert said that is not really harmful for everyone. Therefore, maybe it is not a serious problem, then I decide I will still drink milk but not too much.



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