Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sniffling mice raise therapy hope

I read this article in BBC Online News. The study, led by London's Imperial College, appears in Nature Medicine. In the past, the scientists cannot use mouse do a research with asthma and comma cold, because the viruses cannot bind to the mouse version of the same receptor. But now, the latest research has succeeded in modifying the mouse receptor so it is more like the human version. It is a new hope for patients who have asthma or easy catch a cold.

After I read this article, I feel disappointed and disgraced. Most human think we are the owner of the world and our lives are more important than the others. So, scientists use a lot of animals to do the test for medical therapy, daily products, skin care, and cosmetic. Does those entire animals test are necessary? The answer is no. Actually, animals’ genes are different with humans’; scientists still need do the human test after animal test. So, why we need animal test? Recently, I saw some photographs, which really let me cry. For example, I saw a human’s ear is growing on the rat’s back; human burns a dog because they want to know the function of a new medicine. A dog’s feet was crushed and do not accept any therapy because the scientists want to know if this situation will cause any mental problems. Those injuries should not happened, human does not has right to abuse the other creatures. This is just my opinion, I want to know yours, let we discussion in the class.



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