Tuesday, October 04, 2011

115 Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey (CESL EAP1 Newstalk, SIUC)

1. Do you agree that IPhone is the best cellphone in the world?

___ Yes ___ No

2. If no, what cell phone do you prefer?
3. If yes, will you keep buying IPhones?

___ Yes ___ No

4. Why do Americans seem to like IPhones?

___ cheap ___ clever ___ useful ___ no idea

5. Do you get angry that new IPhone models come out frequently?

___ Yes ___ No ___ Don’t care

6. Do you like drinking coffee? ___ Yes ___ No

7. Why?

8. If yes, how many cups do you drink daily?

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 or more

9. What is your favorite kind of coffee?

___ Espresso ___ Americano ____ Latte ___ Mocha

10. When do you prefer drinking coffee?

___ morning ___ evening

11. Why do you think American people like fast food?

12. What is the main reason that causes obesity?

___ psychological ___ bad diet ___ biological ___ stress ___ other/no idea

13. Do you agree that there is a link between obesity and depression?

___ Yes ___ No

14. How can we reduce the problem of obesity? (check any you agree with)

___ awareness campaign

___ mandatory exercise in schools

___ health insurance surcharge for the obese

15. How can the government solve the health insurance problem?

___ Gov’t-run health ins. for everyone

___ don’t solve it, let people solve it

16. What advice would you give a poor person or young person who needs health insurance?

17. Why does the rate of unemployment keep increasing?

18. What do you think about the Arab Spring?

__ support it ___ think it’s trouble ___ don’t understand it/no idea

19. How is Facebook important?

20. Do you agree with the death penalty?

___ Yes ___ No

21. Why or why not?

22. Do you feel the death penalty decreases crime?

___ Yes ___ No

23. What is the relationship between the death penalty and morality? (check all

that apply) ___ government shouldn’t kill anyone

___ when you murder you give up all right to live

___ death penalty is ok but justice system is flawed

___ better to get rid of death penalty than to kill innocent people

24. What actor or actress do you admire? Why?

25. Do you think immigrants who marry American citizens give strength to American society? ___ Yes ___ No

26. Do you think the government should encourage giving citizenship to immigrants who marry citizens? ___ Yes ___ No

27. Do you like Obama? ___ Yes ___ No

28. Will you vote for Obama next time? ___ Yes ___ No

29. Why or why not?


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