Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Exercise aids depression, say GPs

I read "Exercise aids depression, say GPs" in the BBC online news. This article shows one good solution for depression which is exercising. GPs found that there is an increase in the numbers of the doctors who recommend that their depressed patients try the exercises as a treatment for their bad situation or bad moods, and it is better to exercise than to take medicine. Exercising gives the patient more confidence because it offers a good looking and shapely body which will reflect the patient's feeling, and it increases the endorphins which is a brain chemical making the person feel good. There are many positive effects of exercising on the people in their relationships and health. Depression is A very complex issue that we should care about and try to solve with exercising, because many doctors now believe in the great benefits of exercising.

This article attracted me because I believe that everyone has some bad moods in his/her life and I feel like depression is one way that may lead the person to suicide or doing some strange actions. I will talk about myself, her in Carbondale I don't have close friends or relatives or any family member, so sometimes I become in a bad mood, then I just throw anything in my hand away and go out to walk in the street and this action really changes my mood and gives me good feeling. Moreover, two weeks ago I started to go the REC center every weekend to play volleyball with some Saudi's friends and I became happier. So, I really believe that exercising affect my mood and giveS me good feeling, because of many things such as, laughing with my friends while playing volleyball, and controlling my weight. Finally, i believe that sports affect my mood and make me better.



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