Monday, February 11, 2008

Cildren and violence on television

I went to the website the article talks about children and violence on television. It says that most of American children watch television 3-4 hours every day. television is bad for some of them because it can influance on thier behavior. Also, it can increase the aggressiveress in the children. On the other hand, parents are one of the cause because they do not watch their children.

I think the parents have to control their children when they let them watch television. The children like to do what they see on the television and they do not care about it. It is bad for their behavior. It is dangoures for children to watch scary moive because they will imagine that scary thing and maybe they are afarid of that thing. Also, when the children see some crim maybe it will effect in their behavior. So i suggest to the parents to choice the right show for their children.



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