Sunday, February 10, 2008

Most middle class still can't buy a house

The title of my article is title
This article is mainly about even though the house price is decreasing, there are still a lot of people can’t afford it. Especially nurses, fireman, or teachers. And they still have to fact the high rental problem in the metro area. They always sacrifice for their housing. Those we called middle class is not the poorest one, someone whose job is a server or retailer can’t afford the rental of median-priced house.
In my opinion, the government should do some plans to help them can owe their house. Maybe they can discuss to the bank grant them a loan for buying a house. Most middle class don’t think they can have their own house in the metro areas, so the house in the rural area can cut down some price. In Taiwan, though the price of house in the metro area also expensive, the government offers welfare to the people. We have the national apartments. Most of them all locate in the city. Only the middle class or some works can buy it with the lower price. I think it the good policy to help them.They don’t have to pay extra money to rent the house. Maybe the U.S can try to do it.



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