Saturday, February 09, 2008

Getting serious about global warming

The title of my article is title

Industrialized countries need to reduce their greenhouse-gas emission by an average 5 percent from 1990 levels during the 2008-2012. Kyoto Protocol was agreed in 1997. This agreement is climate changing to reduce greenhouse-gas. 84 countries subscribed and 172 countries concluded this agreement. Japan must cut its greenhouse-gas emission 1990 baseline, gas absorption by forest, and emissions-quota purchases. The government also must consider the possibility that the cost of carrying out these things may become more expensive than expected- more than ¥1 trillion over the five years. The government needs to development to make effort to reduce missions. Also, it needs to carry out nationwide energy-saving campaigns that involve households, offices and retailers.

You have heard Global Warming many times and you have already known this is crucial problem. I think spreading the use of renewable energy sources is important idea from my class, environmental-energy, EAP2-CORE. Japan making concrete efforts and meaningful proposals to demonstrate to the world how serious it is about climate change issues. I really hope it affects lot countries and people should care more about environment such as to be family with environment. In July in this summer, Japan will host the summit of G8 and climate change is expected to top of agenda.
G8- Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United State.



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