Monday, February 11, 2008

tattoos may help deliver vaccine

this news is talk about tattos could be a useful way of delivering therapeutic vaccines in humans, including for some cancers. Such vaccines have often failed to produce the expected immune response when delivered using an injection. Now researchers in Germany say that the rapidly vibrating tattoo needle could be a useful way of delivering vaccines under the skin instead of insoluble ink. The scientists say that the tattoo needles would never be suitable for preventative vaccines. But there may well be a role for the technique in the routine vaccination of animals.

Having tattoos is a very bravely thing I think. Because it may really hurt and may deliver vaccine. It must to take a big risk to get one. Tattoos play an important part in human culture. They can be someone's attitude or style. Having tattoos are become more and more popular. However, I still afraid of getting one, especially after reading this news. In Taiwan, there is one aboriginal tribe, some women have to get a tattoo that means they have high statue in thier tribe. However, this tradition become much less. Maybe they knew this kind of news before.



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