Monday, February 13, 2012

UCSF scientists declare war on sugar in food

News Talk

Article Report                Name :  Obied Al-Aqlobi

Author: Erin Allday.

Title of article: UCSF scientists declare war on sugar in food.

Publication: San Francisco Chronicle.

Date of article:  Wednesday, February 1, 2012.

Short summary:

         According to the article, some scientists in US say we should declare a war on sugar in food like alcohol and tobacco. They say sugar is the core reason of chronic diseases and obesity.  However, some other scientists refute this idea because they think that sugar is not main reason of those diseases. Also, the food company denied this idea because they think the culture of food in US depends on using sugar in the most of diets.

Issues that you can find:

-How can the scientists persuade the American people to reduce the amount of sugar in their food?

- What is the rule of the government toward this idea?

- Is there any other persuasive reason to persuade the people and food company to reduce the amount of sugar in their food?

 Your opinion:

        In my opinion, scientists should announce global awareness campaign to trigger people thinking about the bad effects of overuse of sugar. Also, the government should do something to maintain the people from the global disease like encouraging the citizens to reduce sugar in their food. Moreover, the scientists can be encouraged by healthy organizations to establish a healthy organization considers only on sugar disease.



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